Research & Teaching

Graduate Research Assistant (UPenn)

Graduate Research, World Well-Being Project, University of Pennsylvania, 2021

Research Assistant to Dr. Lyle Ungar, Professor in Computer and Information Science at Penn Engineering and Psychology at the School of Arts & Sciences, and, Dr. Sharath Chandra Guntuku, an Assistant Professor (Research) in the Department of Computer and Information Science at the University of Pennsylvania.

Graduate Research Assistant (IISc)

Graduate Research, Computational Data Science Department, Indian Institute of Science, 2020

Research Assistant in the Medical Image Processing (MIG) lab headed by Prof.Phaneendra Yalavarthy of the Computational Data Science department at IISc, Bangalore. My research was in collaboration with the Royal Dutch Shell Technology Centre, Bangalore - India

Undergraduate Research Intern

Undergraduate Thesis, Computational Data Science Department, Indian Institute of Science, 2019

Research Intern in the Medical Image Processing (MIG) lab headed by Prof.Phaneendra Yalavarthy of the Computational Data Science department at IISc, Bangalore.

Teaching Assistant (Economics)

Undergraduate courses, Economics Department, BITS Pilani - India, 2018


  • Teaching Assistant to the head of the Economics department Prof. Sudatta Banerjee for Economic Environment of Business course.
  • Teaching assistant to Prof. Bheemeshwar for the courses Econometric Methods, and, Economics of Growth and Development.

Teaching Assistant (Computer Science)

Undergraduate course, Computer Science Department, BITS Pilani - India, 2017

Course: Computer Programming Teaching Assistant to Professor Barsha Mitra for the course CS F111 Computer Programming (Lecture, Practical).